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Osvaldo y Graciela

Bailarines, maestros y coreógrafos Argentinos, directores de
La Yumba "Centro Cultural y Escuela de Tango" de Barcelona.


Directores Artísticos del Festival y Maratón Internacional BARCELONA TANGO MEETING

Teachers summoned by the Argentine Consulate in Barcelona for the Argentine Tango courses open to the entire community.


Judges of the Argentine Tango World Dance Championship. (2006 - 2011)
Winners for 3 consecutive years of the XXI CENTURY ART SCHOLARSHIPS, an award granted by the Ministry of Culture of the Argentine Nation. (2003 - 2004 - 2005).


20 years embracing and spreading Tango endorse them as exquisite dancers with an exceptional teaching quality for which they are permanently required in prestigious festivals in Europe and the world.


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