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Class with Joe and Lucila, Friday 6:00 p.m.

Issue : Milonga, short sequences with reaction and ease.

Duration: 1h30

Class Joe and Lucila - Friday


    New Concept Uni Tango & Beach

    Super Milonguera Holidays

     Place of the event:

    Beach Club Paseo Marítimo

    Pavello La Corxera

    Paseig dels enamorats

    Las Vegas Carrer C. COLOM 11, s/n
    17220 Sant Feliu de Guixols
    Girona, Spain

    WhatsApp messages:

    +34 607 48 28 48 


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    Sponsorship collaborates promotes: Ajuntament de Sant Feliu de Guixols* Events "Cultural and Sports Milonguera Awareness"

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